Wednesday, March 12, 2008

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Our Lord's Call for us,His Bride

The coming Great Move of God is Worship and the manifestation of His HolyPresence ,as we His Bride seek His Face. He desires Now that His Bride seek His Face with all of our hearts, that we draw Nigh unto Him,pouring out our love,adoration,our Worship unto Jesus,Our BrideGroom.

As we do this, He will be able to fill us with His HolyPresence,More then any words can ever describe.

Now ,says the Lord,you will see the separation taking place in the world, and you will now see the gross darkness as never before,covering the entire world(sin all evil and manner of wickedness.Everywhere , says the Lord.

The Lord says, I have told you before , that I would pour out My Spirit over all flesh in those days,the day is Now says the Lord."Fill up with My Spirit now says the Lord, because My Beloved; in no way, can you make it through now, in this dark world without My Spirit in you.

The Lord is saying,"I desire your love more then you desire My Love" and Saints ,this is sad.

The Lord is saying, "Take your eyes off from the cares of this world, for they will perish, they are but for a short time,and they will perish;Keep your eyes onto Me says the Lord, onto the things above and which are not of this life .The Lord is saying, I will lead you and guide you and keep you in all of your ways,where ever you go and in whatsoever you may do, you walk in my light, I am always with you, and not one hair on your head will be harmed,says the Lord.

The days that I have told you about are here now and fast approaching.Now, you do see a greater move of the adversary in the world today, of which he is the god over this world of darkness .,evil and all manner of wickedness;says the Lord.Yes,says the Lord, you now see the darkness everywhere.(clearly)for I am in thee and with thee always.

acceleration says the Lord, in which now time seems to you to be speeding by will feel like you are standing still while the world seems to be flying past you psalm46 Be still and know that I am God.Worship,Brokenness,Oneness with Me says the Lord;in My Holy Presence...As you draw nigh unto Me ,you,your flesh will not stand anymore in My Holy Presence ,Deep calls unto Deep,we will become one in Spirit,as My Holy Presence will take over your very being, and will now reach out through you ,touching the sick and they will be healed ,and reaching the lost souls, they will now be attracted to you, for now, they will sense Me in you,they will feel Me in your very voice and your very touch.The world has hated My Words, But now,a New Move of My Spirit in You ,says the Lord,they will see,hear and receive now as never before .This is the New Thing I have told you of before that I would do in the world , Church,Bride,Saints of God.....receive this Word from our King,He is calling us unto Himself Right Now,my words;Spirit and The Bride we cry,Come Lord Jesus,Let us do as Our Lord so desires and let us just bathe in His Holy Presence, let us worship our King continually,for He does inhabit our praise and worship of Him...Come , let us Hunger and Thirst after His Holy Presence, Oh let us become One with our King, fill up with His Joy,Peace and Love amen
*****May12,2008 The Lord wants that I share with you, what He is doing right now with us His Church/Bride. First let me explain to you what He did with me ; so you will comprehend more clearly. 2 days ago I was sitting meditating with God, I said aloud,Wow, Sunday is Mother's Day already,how time is flying & it is so cold outside for May. Suddenly , in my spirit appeared a recollection of an incident, where one of my daughters said awful things to me, some awful false accusations ,well, when it happened I dismissed it , as she had problems w. her nerves.This day, as God brought it into my spirit , it CUT & I sat & sobbed & sobbed. God then asked me, Do you love Me?Yes Lord I love you more then life. Then He said, why do you cry over things of this life? He then said, didn't I tell you that I came to set family against family?( i am paraphrasing this down)You can love Nobody or anything more then Me. I alone am God over your life.I am going to paraphrase this out , so it is not so long. What the message is, God right now & trust me you will experience this, if you walk with God ...God is saying, Draw nigh to Him & He will draw nigh unto you... you already know this from previous words...As the last days are upon us now, God is gathering us unto Himself now, so we are under His total protection. You cannot have any cares of this life, you are to hate your family (not despise)but no love can be more then our love for God(Jesus,by His death & resurrection has reconciled us back unto the Father.)Now, we are to be purified by Him as never before. All of the love of this life must now be broken off from us... as none of the cares of this life can enter into His Kingdom.Jesus said, If any one puts their hand to the plow & looks back, he us unfit to be My Disciple & to walk with Me. Unless we become as little children we in no way will enter into the Kingdom of God...God is saying, if we do not depend on Him 100% for all things, looking only to Him as a child looks to their earthly father for needs, we will not enter into His Kingdom.God's question is , are you ready to leave , to walk away from ALL, to Forsake ALL for Him & His Kingdom?He says, many many say, I want to go to heaven to see (a loved one)in no way do they look to see God. BEWARE. We will recognize those we know, but it will not mean a thing, for we are going to be one with God in His Kingdom * & it will be all about Him , nothing else.; or nobody else.What you need to see here is what God has done with me no way, do I care at all about family,friends or cares of this life ( well, ofcourse I love my family)but in no way does it come close to comparing to my love for God .I am ready to leave ALL for God alone.
God is doing this now, with His Church/Bride, He said, He is preparing us for that great & glorious Day of the Lord, that He will dress us in white linens, and present us a Whole & spotless Bride. So, Now is the time, He is purging us,breaking us,taking us through the fire As Never Ever Before.He is saying, our hearts will be on Him alone... after this purging, He will come alive in us, like never before...we will Hear & See clearer & He will manifest His spirit in us as never before. He is saying, Now , you will feel My Holy Presence in you & On You always... So Lord, as the deer pants after the water(it finds the water & it loses its own scent. it is safe) so our soul pants after You Lord, in you is our safety; our Everything.
In another Word I have posted how God is angry & pouring out His Wrath now over many nations everywhere who have rejected Christ & walk in total disobedience against God, How He said, many many major HUGE catastrophic storms or natural disasters..Great in magnitude...thousands upon thousands will die...I point this out to you now, because you can see it is happening right now & has been since He spoke that word thru me in church,you can find it under prophetic words...God has to do this now, because the end is so close ...and He says, they always say, oh it always happens (fire,hail,floods,drought,fammine,earthquakes etc. nothing new, oh it is Mother Nature. So, He sounded apologetic as He said He has to do this now, in great magnitude, and great in number, so they cannot say oh, that's Mother Nature,they will know it is God, and many will think it is the end of the world.God is saying, although many many unbelievers,gospel rejectors ,unrepentnat ,worshipers of other gods will die, many will be saved and many will come to believe , they will be seeking for a way out & what are they to do? Many will come to believe & be saved, God this time...will there be a time of refreshing & revival . as never before ,They will come to worship Me says God & know that I alone am God........He is saying, He is doing this right now with His Children........They feel His Great & Mighty presence...He wants that His Spirit is poured out in His Church gathering as never ever before , Even Greater then the 120 gathered in the upper room..........Will happen now & we will be prepared to reach those seeking & running in fear, ("He says,the Great Commission")Now, we will reach them, now they will want His Word , the Truth of the Word of God...Feed My Flock says the Lord........This after My Correction says the Lord..........Get your eyes off from the cares of this life, and unto Me says the Lord,I am preparing My Bride, Church.amen & amen
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